A lot of people ask about the cards, but usually not until the second week of December. I know it doesn't feel like Christmas in October and November, but it is the perfect time to start planning your card. To jump-start your process, I am going to be offered a reduced design fee this year, during October and the first 2 weeks of November. I'll also offer a $5 discount for referring your friends!
So while it's only June, this time of year does mark a halfway point, and it's not a bad idea to start thinking about what you've done and what you want to portray in your holiday card.
Here is a helpful timeline:
-If you want to have family portraits taken, think early fall, even the end of summer. Portraits take time to edit and turn around to you, and you'll probably want time to choose. Start booking those soon.
-If you are planning on a family event timeline or collage, it's never too early to start a file on your computer for those perfect images.
-You may not have any idea WHAT to do, but that's where I can help! I have a lot of ideas, and I'll tell you what I would do with whatever media you choose to display (yes, even text).
When we get closer I'll post a few more related topics like how to choose compelling photos, what type of card is best for your family, and how the design process will work. Oh! And I'll give you the details on the sale. So stay tuned!!
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